Prices and editions of Base27
a suitable solution for every organisation
Base27 is offered in several editions. Below is the license price for each edition. A license covers one user. Prices are per month and excluding VAT.
Complete support for GDPR compliancy
Power user
€ 22,50
Normal user
€ 22,50
Lite user
< € 1
Policy and organisation
Personal data
Dashboard and reports
Most popular
Full support for information security in accordance with ISO 27001, including AVG
Power user
€ 67,50

Kan worden toegewezen aan alle beschikbare rollen binnen de applicatie. Bijvoorbeeld CISO, security / privacy officer of functioneel beheerder
Normal user
€ 35,00

Kan uitsluitend aan enkele rollen worden toegewezen. Bijvoorbeeld interne auditor, IT beheerder, afdelingsmanager of incident manager
Lite user
< € 1

Standaard rol met toegang tot handboeken (beleid), nieuwsbrieven en het rapporteren van (beveiligings-) incidenten. Lite users kunnen ook toegewezen taken en controles uitvoeren / afronden.
Everything in GDPR edition
Governance of processes, systems and suppliers
Risk management
Operational execution
Objectives and KPIs
Inspections and audits
Full support for larger organizations
Power user
€ 82,50
Normal user
€ 45,00
Lite user
< € 1
Everything in Standard edition
Governance from organisational structure
Question forms
Internal newsletters
- Standard
- Enterprise
Wondering which edition best suits your organisation?
Type of user licenses
Lite user
Standard role with access to manuals, newsletters and reporting of (security) incidents. Lite users can also perform/complete assigned tasks and checks.
Applicable to
- All employees
Normal user
Can only be assigned to a 'normal' role.
Applicable to
- Internal auditor
- IT administrator
- Department manager
- Incident manager
- Compliance manager
- Risk manager
Power user
Can be assigned to all available roles within the application.
Applicable to
- Security officer / privacy officer
- Data protection officer
- Functional manager
The GDPR policy manual is a simplified form of the general framework available in the other editions.